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Space that we reserve for any student who stands out for his attitude, his work, or for any achievement that deserves to be shared with others.


Celia davila



I started dancing in a small school in Vitoria-Gasteiz, my city, whose name was Traspasos.

When I was seven years old, my mother decided to sign up for the “José Uruñuela” Dance Conservatory where I studied all the years of the Professional Degree. That was where I met Dª Elena Llanos, the teacher who showed me how hard, demanding and rigorous this discipline of ballet is, although she also taught me how rewarding it can be. Elena had been a student of Dª Carmina Ocaña and she understood that in order to make me know the true dimension of ballet in all its greatness, I had to know and attend the lessons of Carmina and Pablo.


In this way, I attended the courses and classes of Carmina Ocaña and Pablo Savoye for several years as a complement to my more academic training. I loved going to his school. I remember, when I participated in various national competitions, that when Pablo and Carmina came to Madrid they would rehearse with me after classes to give me tips and nuances that I still use today.

Con Carmina aprendí, que la clase diaria es sagrada y que si quiero de verdad formar parte de este mundo me tenía que dejar la piel en cada clase. Pablo me enseñó a disfrutar de la danza y sobre todo a disfrutar encima de un escenario, que esta profesión tiene muchos altibajos y que tendría que intentar mantenerme siempre en una línea estable, ya que el avance no se consigue de un día para otro, sino que es una montaña rusa de subidas y bajadas en los que hay días que parece que no sabes hacer nada, pero a la larga te das cuenta de todo lo que has avanzado. 


After turning 18 and attending several courses outside of Spain at different schools in Europe and America, I made the decision to come to study with them and prepare my leap into the professional world.

Those years that I was in the School have helped me to know, understand, hate and love dance, but above all they have helped me to know and understand myself, to know and understand others and to know and understand the world that surrounds me. surrounds.

I want, in these lines, to thank their effort, their involvement, their words of encouragement, their reprimands, the passion they put into what they do, and the authenticity of the values they transmit through dance.

ACTUACIÓN MADRID 12 FEB 20H clase a las 10h, el jueves 13 no hay clase por la mañana. Las clases de los sábados vuelven el 8 de Marzo.

Actuación Madrid: 12/02/2025 Clase 10h , Jueves 13: No hay clase por la mañana. Las clases de los sábados vuelven el 08/03.

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