guest teacher
snowy pillar
Pilar Nevado completed her dance education at the Royal Conservatory of Music and Dance in Madrid and at the School of American Ballet (SAB) in New York.
She participated as a solo dancer in the Victor Ullate Ballet, in the Zurich Ballet, and in the Basel Ballet.
She danced in classical and contemporary pieces by choreographers such as Balanchine, Bejart, Killyan, Forsythe, Van Manen, Christie, Ullate, Wherlock, Wheeldon, Spoerli and Duato.
Pilar participated in dance galas throughout the world and was honored in 2004 with the title "Dancer of the Year".
She has an official dance teacher training and teaches at the Zurich Stage School, the Colombo Dance Factory, the Zurich Dance Theater School and the Cathy Sharp dance ensemble.

ACTUACIÓN MADRID 12 FEB 20H clase a las 10h, el jueves 13 no hay clase por la mañana. Las clases de los sábados vuelven el 8 de Marzo.